"What you up to tomorrow?""shit all""wanna go bowling, get a takeaway 'n watch a movie?""sounds good yo!"..and so the plan was conceived by the virtual intercourse that was MSN messenger.
Yeah, pretty decent day today, especially considering I planned to do 'shit all'. Myself and a few friends decided to meet up, jam on some random video game (and perve on the female characters, James), head out for a spot of bowling, catch an episode of the abysmal Dr. Who, dart off to the pub, get in a Chinese take-away and then proceed to watch a brain crushingly euphoric animated film about lucid dreaming. Top banana.
(I've chapterised it for easy reading. Is 'chapterised' even a word? )
Episode 1: King-Pins
Bowling was cool; I hadn't been in about 6 or 7 years maybe! I was the first to score a strike. I was also the first, and only, to fail to hit any pins. I was also the first, and only, to trap my finger in the bowling ball dispening machine. I came 3rd. Out of 4 players. And my lace was un-done. Bummer.
Episode 2: The Waiting for Who(?)
Time to return to the flat of Tom and co, where we passed a few hours of keen anticipation (regarding dr Who) courtesy of the gamecube. I'm shite at video games as I rarely play, but I managed to slay some mere beat-em-up peasants and have a laugh along the way. Cue Dr. Who: a pretty crap science fiction of almost spoof-like jestability, repenting for its sins only in the form of Simon peggs presence as an evil side-kick of some sort. And to think this tv program put a 2 hour wedge between me and my sweet 'n sour chicken?!
Episode 3: For fucks sake, use a fucking pen!
Anyway, dr. Who soon finished, meaning one thing and one thing only: time to get the Chinese in! Now, you'd think this would be a straight forward procedure, at least I would, but nay. Not amongst computing students. Instead, we collected together the groups orders on Jeffs lap top..then ran them through a program that would say them back to us (struggling on 'chow mein'), before realising that was no use and then printing the list.. at which point we added to it with pen by hand (why not a pen and paper from step one, why?!). Oh well, the cause somehow justified the means..in a prolongued, agonising half-hour long kind of a way..
Chapter 4: Trek to the Golden Dragon
Chinese ordered: ben 50% happy. Time to leave the humble cave of Tom and co and to set forth on the epic quest to the Golden Dragon (the Chinese take away). Of course this involved a stop-off at the local watering hole 'peppers' for refreshment and self-preservation purposes. Rather chilly outside in the beeer garden, right Matt? ;)
Chapter 5: Take My Food, Taste My Rain
..no sooner that we'd got our take away from the restaurant that the heavens opened up: almost like the scene form Indiana Jones where he rapes the temple of it's golden mascot causing the whole place to come crashing down in what can only be described as a self defensive mechanism. However, we were faced with getting wet as opposed to being mashed by giant boulders, impaled by thrusting spears and mobbed by a bunch of savage natives (bar the usual wave of chavs?). On a lighter note, I bought some chopsticks for just 80p.
Chapter 6: Salavating Over Chicken Balls
Chinese home, ready to eat. 'nuff said.
Chapter 7: Walking Dream
Ah, the title of the strange film we watched. I'd love to tell more about it, and indeed I shall in a future post! But to summarise it:
It's about colour, man, you know like when you have all these colours, and some are the right one to use, but like, some aren't, yet equally they are, if you think, about that colour, that one colour, deep enough, that is, then its all ok as that colour, and not the colour that isnt that colour, is the right colour, the ideal colour, the only colour, infact no other colour will suffice.. It's all subjective, really. Yeah, I'll review that film shortly I hope!
Gnarly day indeed ;)