Counter and Groove

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

lost. and found.

Lately I'd been feeling a bit shite and decrepid, and after a weekend of 1 gig, a lot of binge drinking and tv addiction one can only emerge at a lower state of self joy. Sad but true it is :/

But on an up note, I've figured out the optimum method cooling beer in a freezer AND have watched the first 26 epidoses of Lost.

Oh, and I think my ear's fooked; I can't hear out of it, I think it's an infection as my throast hurts and my sense of taste seems to be a bit off. Though I have an appointment with matron in the morning :/

Anyway! I had no intention of feeding the blog at all tonight; none of the events or findings of the last few days were tagged as blog food. But! I got a rad' email with this cherr-upper-of-a-pic from the neeltron! It's me doing the secret manouevre *yang yang yang*! so here it is, thanks ^^,

ooh, chinese take-out's here. Time for eating + film with a few friends! Oh my, grab the beer form the fridge ol' chap!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

night out (working title)

oh man. what a fucking shit night i've had. i'm pretty drunk, but cabn't seem to clear my mind for long enough to sleep - cue the blog: the beloved filtration device that separates one's working mind from all troubles via a simple yet lengthy stream of text.

Today i've been feeling pretty down in genral. my friend must have sensed this and took advantage - he pushed me into a night out on the town with him. I really didn't want to go but ended up doing so regardless.

having arrived in town, i bumped into a few friends that i've not seen in ages (2 or 3 years). we rocked out and got rather pissed togather. I had a pretty cool time, especially considering that tonight was the club's metal/rock night, meaning that the surrounding noise pollution did indeed hold some appeal to my metal loving ears.

time ticked on and blood alcohol levels rose; the night was looking good. But aFTER NOt so long the banshee that is my mates ex began to harrass him in many unspeakable ways. Following which, she hurled a load of drink at him, and he hurled a load back - not only was i metaphorically in the middle, but quite literally, thus taking a harsh blow from the tides of alcoholic waves thrown by each party. The hill had, at this point, began to slope downawards. And rather steeply at that too.

anyway, i decided it was a good time to bail out and so reounded up my friends. as we were leaving, trouble erupted (once more) and the security threw in their unwanted and unvoiced opinion. Shjortly after which, my mate got arrested, leaving me a friend and his newly aquainted laDY FRIEND alone.

totally untriumphant.

i qwent out with 1 friend, met a few more, had a good time, got beer threw at me, lost half my shoe, watched my mate get arrested and chatted about badgers in teh taxi ride home. an interesting night. a definate aggreeance on my pessimistic views on the human race. kind of fun, at parts, but on the whole a bit shite, really. wouldn't want to repate it that's for sure.

i think i'll regret posting this in the morning, but hey, i wanted to share that right now. alcohol sucks, as does clubbing. i shudda just stayed home :/

--oh wait, my arrested mate just rang me. looks like the plot of the night's events just thickened. looks like my role is indeed incomplete as such.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

a level results

10am-ish today:

*knock knock knock*

"Ben, you awake?"
"no, not really"
"oh.. I got accepted!"

Dan got accepted at Nottingham Uni (his first choice), studying cell biology of some description! congrats' ^^,

argh it's going to be wierd once september creeps round, his course starts and he heads off a few (hundred) miles south ><,

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

bleak window; cold winter

tonight i feel like a window: a window of a warm house: a warm house in a cold winter: a cold winter, pressing against a bleak window, forming millions of tiny bumps of condensation, each totally different, yet seemingly the same.

that's what i feel like. tonight, for now, at least.

and to think I thought I couldn't put it into words. how wrong i was.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

..and to divert!

man, last night rocked!

It was the bday party of my mother, who'd recently turned 50, and my nephew, who'd turned 9 on the day. A strange combination indeed, though the crowd was surprisingly good!

The party kicked off around 2pm with a large bouncy castle and lots of party game things for my nephew. The bouncy castle was cool. My friends and I, being the oldest there, decided it'd be a shame not to torment the fun-loving kids - all would be explained if only I could upload video files to my blog! Oh, and I learned a hard lesson: it's not a good idea to show off to kids - I tried doing a back flip on the castle and, well, landed on my neck and it bloody wrecked all night.

As day turned to night the crowd grew in numbers and the party morphed from a 9yr old's do to a drinkning free for all, driven by some hard rock from the lovely "Diversion" (my cover band). It was our first gig, so I was a little nervous. Fortunatley my kind peers had some nerve-settling herbs which were appreciated; Having rolled, we were now set to rock, and rock hard too baby!

We opened fashionably late - almost 90 minutes. Following a hefty soundcheck we were ready to go, and kicked off with a U2 song (Vertigo). I can't really remember what songs were next, though I know we played Zombie at some point and ended with a Foo Fighters song (Best of You). Then an encore of 2 or 3 more songs including Whiskey in the Jar, which I pissed up pretty badly towards the end ><, Actually, I pissed up quite a lot... argh! ><,

Anyway, a diverse set for a diverse crowd - kids, teenagers, adults (I think I'm in this category), pirates... (haha, thanks for fancy dressing zack, neeltron, luke, faith 'n john!). Regardless, the crowd seemed to enjoy the band, I know I did :)

Ah the band had finished, but the best was to come! My drunken haggard sisters stormed the mic' and started singing madonna's 'like a virgin'. What a bloody slice of fried gold that was, they rock!

Following the band a few people left. I'm not sure what happened after..I think I was trying to stop my 9yr old niece and co' from lynch-mobbing 'funky-pirate-man' Zack. I was hoping dangling the little beast above my pond would make her stop, but no such luck. I think Zack enjoyed the attention though, haha.

It was getting late(r) and some more people had to leave. I sort of got roped in to walking home a friend. A nice walk, and some, erm, 'reflective' chatter was had. We got to the house. And talked a bit more. Then I left. She went in. D'oh!

I finally met back up with my friends, and we visited a local childrens' play park for some tokey-toking.

I got in at about 1ish and collapsed in bed. I slept pretty shite, and woke up around 4am. I was totally restless. The night's events ran through my thoughts, seemingly unreal as with all good times.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Poison, Party, Practice.

Standing in the valley of shelves
I looked up in awe
at the morning sun
that glistened above.

A marvellous sight.
The memories came flooding back
as it's warm glare poured down on me.

Ahhh, sah hi, thoust ist my poison.


last night I went to Annie's partay (my bro's girlfreind). I wasn't sure of what'd be there, or what was in store but decided to go anyhow. I was greeted by a pair of bouncy castles, a lush array of bbq food and a load of people I'd never met before, or seen before, for that matter. It was a cool night, and really made a change to go to a party that *wasn't* driven by alcohol (or guided in the slightest!).

I left with 8 pickled cucumbers. A poor man financially I am, though rich in pickles I was. They're all gone now, but I know the recipe, I can build more, and I shall.


I band practiced tonight - the last before our first show on sat' 13th. It went well, though there's still 3 songs I don't know... hmm, it's going be pretty fun on saturday. We're all in store for a very pheonix night methinks.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

canary toast

argh. good. night. out.

wanted to sleep, but urge for toast and hot-choclate prevails.

Today was the carnival of my village - an annual one-night festival, featuring crappy blue-peteresque floats, live music and lots of drinking.

It all kicks off around 2pm, though we decided to head up at 9ish once the bands were in full swing and the place was busy. A good call - by 9, the bands were in full swing. and the place was busy.

It was ok, though only 3 of us went up. After not long we bailed. Though I decided to come back up later on my own. Kind of bored, and a bit lonely, I strolled the packed festival like a sheep with a broken road map- unsure where to go or why for that matter.

"ben, ben..ben!" I heard from behind me as I walked into the pub, "ben!". It was my guitarist and drummer, enjoying a pleasant bevvy or two at the pub. They caleld me over and effectivley pushed me into getting a bit pissed. Not too much though. After maybe an hour, I decided to bail home - I had a huge urge to eat cereal, and the pub could not help me there. So I went home, ate cereal and became confused. Fortunately my friend called, and declared that he and 2 others were heading out for the afore-mentioned carny. score.

plenty of carny themed fun persued. then a fatty-bum-batty sealed the night.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

the curious bat

I was driving home from my mate's house with friends at about 3am this morning. It was was like any other night: dark and cold. I spotted a bat hovering around a street lamp, hunting out the fiery white pulses of moths drawn to the artificial lighting.

I thought it was pretty amazing that the bat had taken full advantage of the scummy light pollution that we were pouring into his neighbourhood. Either it was a clever-arse mofo of a bat, or simply coincidence. Or perhaps it was (and is) pissed off at the light that forever casts an eternal sunshine upon its natural darkness but just lives with it. Come to think of it, I've never heard a bat complain. Maybe they're infact happy with the lighting, sort of seeing it as some kind of alien-built moth bait. If this is the case, how would the bat cope without that light? Has it indeed become dependant on human intervention, much like the bird that passes up on migration in favour of hanging out in your snowed-over garden, surviving on what you give him throughout the icey months of late winter?

who knows.
evidently, further research is needed.