Counter and Groove

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Got no Pocket.

hmm...I'm getting a bit concerned about my study now. Admitidally it's a bit late to start fretting, but in the name of all things cliche I guess it's better late than never.

I don't know, I just cannot seem to commit to my course; I can't seem to get into the groove of study, wherever that groove may be.

On a related note, I'm a bit concerned that my cover band's getting too intense for me too - 2 practices a week and at least 1 gig a week, wiping out the best part of 3 nights a week...


Anyway! Tonight I had a band practice. Later I met up with a friend and chilled out, though she seemed pretty vacant. When I got back I decided to have a jam with the funk that is study, though no real luck. Instead I stumbled upon my mate's veil of salvia and whacked up some of that shit - nothing illegal, no crack or anything, just a pretty hefty dose of burn-in-the-bong chill-the-fuck-out juice.

Tik Tik Tik: the faint metronome of self concern, pulsing away, edging me to study... here goes nothng.


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