Counter and Groove

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Forever Autumn

Forever Autumn

That quiet afternoon I saw a stray golden-brown leaf caught up in a gust from the early-autumn winds. Kind of funny, really, how those leaves spend all year preparing for the freedom that Autumn promises. Strange, perhaps seemingly pointless, but a forever repeating cycle none the less. Reminds me of a radio station, come to think of it. A song starts, plays through, and ends. Another fills the sience it left. Song after song, day after day, Autumn after Autumn. Forever the same.

"Autumn's here" she sighed, staring out of the window just as I was. "summer didn't last long, did it?" she added with a sarcasticly comic tone.
"Nah, it didn't, did it?" I replied. It was true, the summer had flew by, and other than stating the fact, I didn't know what else to say. I sat quietly, staring at the dancing leaf. At that point the song on the radio ended and a short silence followed.
"I love this song", I explained as the opening meoldy of the next song filled the room. "It reminds me of tomorow". The curious look on her face was a clear invite to explain further.
"I used to play it when I was feeling down. sometimes once through, others on and endless loop". A small fold appeared at the bridge of her nose, just as it always would when she was perplexed at one thing or another. Perhaps confused at the fact that a song could remind someone of tomorow. 'Tomorow', a descriptive word for the next 24 hours starting at midnight tonight. An entirely fictional concept, essentially the unknown future described in just 7 letters. Again, her expression did all the talking, and I continued to elaborate.
"It inspired me. Listeneing to this song made me dream, it gave me ideas" I said
"Idea's for 'tomorow'?" she asked.
"kind of. But more than that" I tried to explain carefully, "Afterall, inspiration isn't just something saved for tomorow, right? "
"mm, I suppose.." She reasoned: my statement was justifiable, yet completely rediculous - how could the present possibly remind anyone of the non-existant future? "so, are you inspired now?" She asked curiously.
"not so much, actually.." I replied, stretching the words as I considered how to explain further.
"oh.." she interrupted. The fold in her nose intensified.
"I guess it only makes me dream when i'm down". I suggested. A pretty realistic thought, come to think of it.
"That figures" she stated, nodding her head slighlty for confirmation. "I mean, why dream if you're already dreaming?" She was right - why dream if you're already dreaming? Or for that matter, why grow new leaves if Autumn's already here?

I reclined back into my chair and stared outside again, focusing on the leaf. It slept quietly until the wind took it away, bringing with it two or three fresh leaves. I sighed quietly, and she cast her eyes upon me. At that point, the song ended. A short silence followed and the next song kicked off.


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