Sugar? Milk? how about that bbq..?!
oh bollocks, i'm back!
One of my housemates seems to be a bit down lately so 3 of us decided to hold a bbq for her. After a trek to the shop and a quick poke aorund we emerged with a couple of arms full of frozen meat and bbq goodies. However, we were lacking a bbq, so I scarpered off to Tesco to buy a disposable one. Shock! The bastards no longer retail bbqs, opting for the more seasonal halloween shite, you know like full-man pumpkin outfits and such? Returning empty handed wasn't a choice, so I compromised and grabbed a shitty bag of charcoal and £1.10 block of cheese. Anyway, I got back, only to remember that we didn't have a bbq - it was time to call for the milf-next-door; borrowing her bbq was my plan!
She leant us the bbq, which was a bit good. We got cooking, had a nifty meal, drank a lot, cheered up the housemate, and polished off the last of my cherished ganj supplies.
Right now I'm sat at this bloody internet, glued to it as i was many (few..less than 3/4) moons ago. It's kind of depressing actually. Though I'm listening to some Sabbath, which is always good :) I've also been watching some crappy videos of my school-freinds, who've all gone off to uni..gah i miss those cretins, ARGH! My mofo'ing skylight window just pissed a massive stream of icey rain water onto my keyboard ><,
I'm gonna smoke. Oh yeah, i seem to have started smoking, which is fucking bollocks. A bad habbit from hanging out with a girl I know.
One of my housemates seems to be a bit down lately so 3 of us decided to hold a bbq for her. After a trek to the shop and a quick poke aorund we emerged with a couple of arms full of frozen meat and bbq goodies. However, we were lacking a bbq, so I scarpered off to Tesco to buy a disposable one. Shock! The bastards no longer retail bbqs, opting for the more seasonal halloween shite, you know like full-man pumpkin outfits and such? Returning empty handed wasn't a choice, so I compromised and grabbed a shitty bag of charcoal and £1.10 block of cheese. Anyway, I got back, only to remember that we didn't have a bbq - it was time to call for the milf-next-door; borrowing her bbq was my plan!
She leant us the bbq, which was a bit good. We got cooking, had a nifty meal, drank a lot, cheered up the housemate, and polished off the last of my cherished ganj supplies.
Right now I'm sat at this bloody internet, glued to it as i was many (few..less than 3/4) moons ago. It's kind of depressing actually. Though I'm listening to some Sabbath, which is always good :) I've also been watching some crappy videos of my school-freinds, who've all gone off to uni..gah i miss those cretins, ARGH! My mofo'ing skylight window just pissed a massive stream of icey rain water onto my keyboard ><,
I'm gonna smoke. Oh yeah, i seem to have started smoking, which is fucking bollocks. A bad habbit from hanging out with a girl I know.
Sounds bad Ben, don't start smoking! Tis no good i tell thee!!! Stop it before it becomes a smelly, skanky habit!
Anonymous, at 9/30/2005 6:57 PM
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