Counter and Groove

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Boarding a bus bound for Kyoto, we left Tokyo last night at about 9pm. We arrived at about 5am, so it was a pretty hefty journy to say the least! There wasn't much to see along the way, though Tokyo offered a pretty impressive sight with it's irridescent neon lightscape (did I make any of those words up?).

It was rather sad to leave tokyo as we'd formed a strong bond with 3 other Europeans: Yoshi: a swiss-japanese guy; Christian: a german; and John: a brit halfway between oz and the uk: Team Euro indeed.

our last day was spent trekking the imperial palace in tokyo: jesus, such a bloody impressive place! Absolutley picturesque in every aspect, I really enjoyed it there! I guess it's impossible to scale its beauty in words or even to pick out certain areas, Though the koy-populated streams and ponds had to be the highlight. Well worth seeing if you're ever in the neighbourhood ;)

My friend and I were set to leave at about 7.30, so the 5 of us (team Euro) headed to a store for some noodles and beer which would ultimately form our fairwell meal: the last supper, if you like!

Anyway, just a short blog here to track my geographical status in a sense! we're hooking up with the afore-mentioned Canadians in a few hours, havn't seen 'em since Tokyo a few days back, so it'll be fun!


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