Counter and Groove

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Saturday Night Griever

Gah! It's Saturday night, aprox' 9.30 pm, and I'm stuck at home doing exam-revision!

I wouldn't normally go out of my way to complain about such a fact, but right now I'm on a 'break' from study, and my blog was calling me! "Ben! Ben! You can tell me how you feel, I'm always happy to listen.." and so on :p

Anyway! I'm pretty pissed off actually ><, I'd organised to hook up with some freinds in Leeds this weekend - check out a few bands, as many bars and down a fair-share of pints.. well ok, 3 pints for me ><, (Ultimate lightweight-drinker as I'm sure most of you can and will vouch for :p Bastards! ;) ). But! I hadn't realised the dates and had completely overlooked the fact that my exams and such are lined up all next week and had no choice but to bail - realisticly speaking, of course!

Ah well, 4 months holiday come friday! Just an exam to get through then the difficult, torturous endeavour that is a BBQ followed by a party ;) ! Hurry up you sexy-biotch of a day, hurry-the-f***-up! :p

ooh, gotta dash*: some girl-type-creatures have just landed at my house ;) *Shock Horror!*

*Dash as in escape.. long story, sort of ties in with my stir fry recipe that I'll publish shortly :p